How to import fonts on your iPad
Here’s a step by step guide of how to import fonts onto your iPad to use with Procreate, Cricut Design Space etc. There are numerous ways to do this I’m sure, but this is the method I find quickest and easiest.
*Please note: This post may contain affiliate links. If you purchase something through the link, I may receive a small commission at no extra charge to you*
Step 1
Search for ifont in the App Store and download it. (At the time of writing this blog, the app is currently free!)
Step 2
Go to a font website like or Have a look through their fonts and find the one you want to download. For this example, I’m going to be downloading Heartcakes Demo from 1001fonts. Most of these fonts are free for personal use, but just make sure you check any licensing requirements for commercial usage. A great site for commercial use fonts is Creative Fabrica. Most of the fonts you’ll get on this site can be used in commercial products such as t-shirts, mugs, prints etc. It’s my go to wesbite whenever I’m even considering anything commercial.
Step 3
Click the green download button and it will ask you do you want to download the zip file. Click download
Step 4
Click on the down arrow in the circle at the top of the page beside the search bar. Here you should see the file you just downloaded. Click on it
Step 5
When you click on the download link it will open your downloads, so you may have to use the search bar to find your file, which will be a zip file
Step 6
Press and hold on the file to bring up the list of options. Click on ‘Uncompress’
Step 7
After you have uncompressed the file, you may have to search for it again. You will now have 2 files of the same font name. One will be the blue folder and the other will be the original zip file. Click on the blue folder
Step 8
When you click on the folder, there may be multiple files. Sometimes there are instructions/regulations included. Other times there are different versions of the same font (one may be a bold version, or outline version etc). Your font will be either .otf or .ttf.
Step 9
Click on the .otf or .ttf file and it should give you a preview of the fonts.
Did you know?
.OTF and .TTF are both font files types. The main difference is that OTF are generally more flexible and more advanced
Step 10
Click on the share button and it will bring up a number of options. Ifont should appear along with the apps at the top. Click on it.
Step 11
This will bring you to the imported fonts section of the app. your new font should be at the top of the list. Click the blue button that says ‘install’
Step 12
A window will pop up asking if you want to proceed with installation. Click allow
Step 13
Next you’ll see this window. Just click close
Step 14
Another window will pop up directing you to go to your settings. Click the blue ‘open settings’ button. This will bring you to your iPad settings page.
Step 15
Click on ‘Profile Downloaded’
Step 16
Another window will pop up advising you of the attempted download. Click install
Step 17
Enter your passcode
Step 18
Click install and then you will be asked AGAIN if you want to install the font… So click install one last time
Step 19
Click done to finally complete installing your font. If it doesn’t show up in Procreate or Cricut design space straight away, try closing the app and restarting it
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